January 6 - February 14, 2021
Joan Baez: Mischief Makers 2

Joan Baez_ Mischief_Makers_2_Seager Gray Gallery in Mill Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area

We are excited to announce Joan's second one person exhibiiton Mischief Makers 2, portraits of people who make positive change in the world through nonviolent means.  

The exhibition will run from January 6 to February 14, 2021.

In celebration of her 80th birthday, a reception will be live-streamed at 5:30 p.m. (PST) January 9 with an interview with Baez, a tour of the show and other festivities and “mischief” to mark this milestone occasion. Tickets are $15 at https://bit.ly/JoanBaezLiveStream